§ 225-15. General provisions.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Condemnation of real estate. Whenever any real estate or any easement therein, or use thereof, shall, in the judgment of the approving authority, be necessary to the sewer system, and whenever, for any cause, an agreement for the purchase thereof cannot be made with the owner thereof, the approving authority shall proceed with all necessary steps to take such real estate easement or use by condemnation in accordance with the Wisconsin Statutes and the Uniform Relocation Property Acquisition Policy Act of 1970, where federal funds are used.
    Construction. The Sewer Utility of the Village shall have the power to construct sewer lines for public use and shall have the power to lay sewer pipes in and through the alleys, street and public grounds within the Village boundaries and, generally, to do all such work as may be found necessary or convenient in the management of the sewer system. The approving authority shall have the power by itself, its officers, agents and servants to enter upon any land for the purpose of making examination or supervising in the performance of its duties under this article, without liability therefor, and the approving authority shall have the power to purchase and acquire for the Utility all real and personal property that may be necessary for construction of the sewer system or for any repair, remodeling or additions thereto.
    Extensions of the sewer system. The cost of the installation of sanitary sewers to be connected to the Utility sewer system shall be borne by the property owner of the land to be served. All installations shall be in accordance with Ch. 110, Wis. Adm. Code, and the requirements of the Village and Utility. Plans and specifications shall be designed and stamped by a licensed professional engineer and paid for by the property owner. A written approval obtained from the Utility is required before construction is initiated.
    Management, operation and control. The management, operation and control of the sewer system for the Village is vested in the approving authority. All records, minutes, all written proceedings and all the financial records thereof shall be kept by the Utility Clerk of the Village.
    Maintenance of services. The owner shall maintain sewer services from the water curb stop to the house or building, including all controls between the same, without expense to the Village, except when they are damaged as a result of negligence or carelessness on the part of the Village. All sewer services must be maintained free of defective conditions by and at the expense of the owner or occupant of the property. Defective conditions must be corrected within three days of identification of the condition. When any sewer service is to be relayed and there are two or more buildings on such service, each building shall be disconnected from such service and a new sewer service shall be installed for each building, unless prior approval has been provided by the approving authority.
    Title to real estate and personalty. All property, real, personal and mixed, acquired for the construction of the sewer system, and all plans, specifications, diagrams, papers, books and records collected therewith said sewer system, and all buildings, machinery and fixtures pertaining thereto, shall be the property of the Village.
    User rules and regulations. The user rules, regulations and sewer rates of the Utility are a part of the contract between the Utility and every user. Every person who connects to the Utility sewer system is deemed to have consented to be bound by such rules, regulations and rates. In the event of violation of the rules and regulations, the water and/or sewer service to the violating user shall be shut off. Water and sewer service shall not be reestablished until all outstanding sewer utility bills, and shutoff and reconnection charges, are paid in full and until such other terms and conditions as may be established by the Village are met. In addition to all other requirements, the Village shall be satisfied that the offender will not continue in violation of the rules and regulations before authorizing reconnection of the offender's services. The Village may change the rules, regulations and sewer rates from time to time, as deemed advisable, and may make special rates and contracts in all property cases.
    Vacating of premises and discontinuance of service. Whenever premises served by the system are to be vacated or whenever any person desires to discontinue service from the system, the utility must be notified verbally or in writing. The owner of the premises shall be liable for any damages to the property or such damage that may be discovered having occurred to the property of the system other than through the fault of the system or its employees, representatives or agents.
    [Amended 8-12-2019 by Ord. No. 13-19]